Sunday, 19 February 2012

submit blogger sitemap to google-useful tip for new bloggers

This tip explains how to generate and submit blogger sitemap to google webmaster tools:
Before doing this,let me say what are sitemaps and how they will help us.The reason we use them is,they will help google bot to crawl,index pages of your site and tell you if there are any problems when they try to index it.It also helps you to know,how many pages exactly are indexed,and what people searched in the search engine to visit your site.
Let me explain the detailed procedure on how to submit your blogger sitemap to google.
1.First,go to google webmaster tools and sign in with your gmail account.
2.After you logged in, you will see this asking you to add a site.

google webmaster tools
Add your blog url('t add with http or www.

3.Next,it asks you to verify your site.It is just to confirm whether you are the owner or not.

CLICK on the 'verify your site' link.

click the 'verify your site' link


choose verification method

4.There are two ways to verify your ownership but, there is only one way for the blogger users to add a metatag.

copy the metatag

5.Copy the metatag.

Now,sign into your blogger account>click the layout button>Edit html and paste the metatag just after the head tag and save the changes.

paste the metatag like this
and click the verify button in the google webmaster tools and there will be a confirmation message saying that you have sucessfully verified.

conformation message

Now,you have to submit a sitemap for google to crawl your site.Go back to the google webmaster dashboard or (home) and click the 'Add' link which is next to your blog name and in the Sitemaps column.Then,you see this,

Choose 'Add general web sitemap' from the dropdown menu and type rss.xml or atom.xml next to your blog address as shown below


and click the 'Add General Web Sitemap' button.

6.That's it.Now your sitemap is successfully submitted to google.Check 2 or 3 days after and you will see the detailed statistics of your blog(indexed pages,any errors,etc.)

If you have any questions regarding this,you can ask here via your comments


How to add colors to Blogger Scrollbar

Hi bloggers and readers! Well This is an amazing hack for adding some colors to that pesky browser scroll bar. Its very easy to do tha. There is a small peice of code you will have to add to your blog's html.

Now before you use this code, i must make you aware that it will not work in Firefox...they don't like people messing with their colors, so you can only get this to work in Internet Explorer.

The last caveat that I add to it is that, if you're anal retentive like I am about making my web pages validate this one is going to throw you for a loop because according to ain't valid! So you will get an error code for it, but it won't break your page or anything unless you have like 5000 other errors!'s what you have to use:

<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
html {

And you scroll down til you get to the end of the <head> section, and you put it right BEFORE the </head> tag.

You can choose any color according to the matchig look for your blog by replacing the hexadecimal code(#99ccff).

How to Show Visitors Home Location

If you want to amaze your visitors by showing their own details on your website/blog, like IP address, ISP name, Country, region and time zone, then here is some block of code that you have to add to your blog.
The two images in blue displayed below, presently would be showing your details, similarly it would show the details of anyone reading your blog/web site if you place these on your blog.

Code to be added:
<img border="0" src=""/>
Widget by <a href=""/>BTAT</a>

OR you may add this image:

Code to be added:
<img border="0" src=""/>
Widget by <a href=""/>BTAT</a>

Simply add a HTML/JavaScript widget in your blog, and add any of the two codes shown above. That's javascripting or any other complex coding required for this hack.

How to Add Marquee effect in Blogspot

This post explains you how to add Scrolling text ( also called as marquee ) to your blog sidebars,blog posts,etc.
Another way to attract the visitors is adding some decoration to the site like scrolling text,etc.But,don't decorate it too much,particularly if your site contains too much text as it irritates and spoils the concentration of the reader.You can add scroll bars to tell your visitors what will be your next updates,popular posts,advertisements,etc.
So,how to add the scrolling text in your blog,let me explain it:

Adding simple scrolling text:
Here is the code to add a simple scrolling text from right to left side

The output will be like:
Example 1:
code to simple scrolling text

If you want some more attraction,then try these,
Add a background color to the text:

Example 2:
code to simple scrolling text

You can choose your background colour by replacing the hexadecimal code(#99ccff).
Click here to see the codes of the different colors.

Here are some mode attributes to learn:


The above attributes tells the text which direction to scroll.
Use the code below:

Here are some examples:
Example 3:
To scroll in the 'right' direction:
code to simple scrolling text

Example 4:
To scroll in the 'up' direction:
code to simple scrolling text

Example 5:
Down: ( I changed the hexa decimal codes for different colours )
code to simple scrolling text

few more attributes:
You can add this attribute to alternate the text

Here is the code to do this:

Example 6:
code to simple scrolling text
You can also set the speed of the text with this simple attribute:

The lower the scrollamount value, the less the speed it moves,
the html code for this:

example 7:(for scrollamout =2)
code to simple scrolling text

Example 8:(for scrollamount=5)
code to simple scrolling text

Pausing the text when mouse is over the text:
It is very useful when the reader wants to read the text,and the scrollamount is big, so that he will put the mouse over the text to pause the text and read the matter:
Here is the code to do this

Example 9:
code to simple scrolling text

(place the mouse over the text to test it)

Changing the text colour:
Here is the code to change the text colour:(Add it before and after the marquee tags)

So, the code looks like this

Example 10:
Code to simple scrolling text

Adding hyperlinks:
You can also add the hyperlinks in text.
Here is the sample code:

The output will look like this:
Remove Navbar # Internet tips # Add Read More tag in Blog
That's it!Now you can add this to your blogger sidebar,in the blog post,where ever you want.

If you have any doubts, ask your questions via your comments.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

How to Use Shortcut Keys in Windows XP

Shortcut keys are used to do some tasks easily and faster than using proper method. These are the key combinations of some keys from keyboard. There can be used one, two or three keys simultaneously to do some important tasks of windows, in less time.

Friday, 3 February 2012

How to create beautiful wallpapers with Photoshop

Guys! in my these step by step instructions I will guide you that How easily we can create beautiful wallpapers using this application software "Adobe Photoshop". I know that there are so many places on the internet from where you can find tutorials for this beautiful software but today I have decided to tell you my way of creating cute wallpapers. This is up to you that you adopt which procedure.

Some javascript tricks

This code lets you edit any page/website in real-time :) . With Firefox, you can even edit and save the modified pages to your computer. Very nifty code!
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

This piece of code pulls off all the images from your web page and rotates them in a circle. Really makes any page go naked (without its images). The best place to test is a website with many images. (Google Images for an example)

javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

If you look carefully in the above code, its rotating the HTML “img” tag. Just replace it with “a” or “p” and watch some links or text rotate instead of images.

Your browser will be very afraid of this code :) If the code below doesn’t seem to work, please replace > with > and < with <

javascript:function flood(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 200; i > 0;i–){for (j = n; j > 0; j–) {self.moveBy(1,i); self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i); self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }}flood(6);{ var inp = “D-X !msagro na dah tsuj resworb rouY”; var outp = “”; for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) {outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp ; } alert(outp) ;}; reverse

In case you are not in a mood to use the standard windows calculator and want your browser to do the dirty job for you, use this code.

javascript: alert(34343+3434-222);

You can change the numbers according to your choice and also try creative complex equations. Just put your arithmetic into javascript: alert( );

There are times when you are not sure that the website that you are visiting is authentic. Use this code whenever in doubt :-

javascript:alert("The actual URL is:tt" + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/" + "nThe address URL is:tt" + location.href + "n" + "n If the server names do not match, this may be a spoof.");